1/ Marking
The finished electrode shal be marked with a safety line on the electrode surface corresponding to the bottom of the socket. The marking width ofsafely line shal not be less than 25mm. The salely line marking shal be clean and clear. Adhesive painting is not alowed. Two or more safety line
markings shall not be allowed at the same end.Labels shal be affxed to the botlom of the finished electrode sockets, indicating the vanely, specificalion, densily, resistivity, weight, length, productiondate, etc, The end shall be clearly marked with arade, weiaht, etc.
2/ Storage
Please do not stack electrodes and pins directiy on the ground. it is recommended to place them on the square imber or iron frame, to prevent theelectrodes from being damaged or stuck to the sol. Please do not remove the package of the electrodes and pins which are not used temporarly, o
prevent dust and debris from falling on the thread or the electrode sockets.Electrodes should be neaty stored in the warehouse, and both sides of the electrodes should be wel-wedged to prevent sipping. The stacking heighof the electrodes is generally not more than 2 meters.
Please do not store the electrodes and pins near the place of high temperalure to preventhe pitch plugs from meling on account ofexcessive temperature.The stored elecrodes should be protected from rain and moisture. The wet electrodes should be dhed at least 36 hours before use to avoid cracking andoxidation of the electrodes during steelmaking.
3/ Transport
Vehicles for transporting electrodes over long distances should be covered with rainproof tarpaulins.When ifing or reloading electrodes, please be careful to prevent the damace caused by the sliding because of the incination of the electrodesTo protect the end and threads of the electrodes, it is not alowed to directiy hang the electrodes at both ends with iron hookWhen loading and unloading the cases of pins, please handle and put down it gently to prevent the joint coliding and thread damage.
4/ Jointing
Preparation for Jointing
Check the thread in the electrode socket is complete or not. if not, please contact us and confirm the electrode can be used or notDust and debris on the surface of new electrode and pin are blown with compressed air. lf cannot, it needs to be cleaned with a fur brush, donot dip in water when cleaning, avoid using metal wire brush or emery cloth to clean the thread of the electrode.Carefully screw the pin into the electrode socket at one end of the spare electrode without bumping the thread.Screw the lift plug (graphite one is recommended) into the electrode socket at the other end of the spare electrode.
When lifing the electrode, some form of cushioning material should be put under the elecrode end, to prevent ground damage to the pin. The lifingelectrode should be stable to prevent the electrode from coliding with other fixed devices.it and center the new electrode over the column and lower it siowy, and siowy droo it down to avoid damaoe to the electrode socket and thread.ift the spare electrade slightly, rotate the spare elecirode, and make the screw hook and elecirode rotaie down togelher untl the end of the twoelectrodes contact.
Use the torque wrench and appropriate torgue force to tighten the electrode,which is not allowed to tit
5/Reasons for Breakage
When the elecrode is under force, the degree of force decreases progressively from the top to botom. The max stress is on the joint of electrode and
pin under the clamp.
When the electrode is subiected to exteral force, the stres is concentrated in the exteral force is more than the electrode strength, then this wilead
to the damage of electrodeThe causes of external force are coapse of buk charge material during the meling penod, non-conductive objects exist at he boltom of the electrodein scrap steel. and the impact of the nubby flowing steel
The reasons of breakage are the incongruous response speed ofthe clamps, the deviated electrode the fumace cover holds from the core, the gapsbetween the joint of electrode and pin, and the mismatching pinsPoor machining accuracy of electrode and pins will also cause poor thread engagement and joint breakage.
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Add:Dalishu Village, Fengshan Economic Development Zone, Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province